1. Since my eye laser surgery I can not only see the timing board at the pool but can also identify people in the pool. Nice.
2. Wine is NOT one of the five food groups. I have done extensive research and no one will substantiate this false claim I have been making for years. Now wine is only aloud on weekends.
3. Luke and I finally found a place to call home. In spite of The Boss and The Boss ladies lovely hospitality we needed to find our own place. I just cant walk around nude in someone elses home.
4. Ned (our rusty old Nissan Pathfinder) does not like the heat. He is constantly getting way too thirsty and I suspect may have a leak somewhere. I am saddened to think that his days are numbered.
5. There are no flat rides here in the Sunny coast. I am now having to ride the wind trainer on perfectly fine days..... it's killing me! But what the Boss says goes. I can not imagine what it is like for Triple L over there in Montana where snow makes you ride the darn thing for more than an hour.
Stay tuned