Holy Moly I finally did it!!!!!!! I am going to Kona!!!!!! I am so so so so so excited.... I had a wicked swim and was out 4th or 5th overall age group woman then took off out of transition and rode really well to the top of Richter Pass... was first overall age group woman to the top but disaster struck on the way down and I flatted. 7 mins later and too many girls to count had wizzed by as I was on the side of the road fixing it. I jumped back on and took off..... I caught back most of them by t2 but I think I went a bit hard... I ran really well for the first 3 quarters of the marathon and managed to hang on without loosing any places till the end..... just. There were 4 slots in my age group and 1 was not taken. That one was for ME!!!!!! I now am signed up and on my way..... very cool. I am now off to presentation to get my trophy..... woo hoo love those trophies! I may have a beer or 2 to celerbrate.
A special thanks to all the people who support me and help make my dreams come true.
Out there I think about all of you and am now so glad I could make all your efforts worth while.
An extra special thank you to Luke... you never gave up and encouraged me all the way to the finish line. I know I would never have made it without you on the side lines cheering me on. We will now get to line up in Hawaii together.... shake n bake baby!
I am missing a load of news and photos of all the things that have been happening lately. I will fill in all the blanks soon.
Love Memphis
A special thanks to all the people who support me and help make my dreams come true.
Out there I think about all of you and am now so glad I could make all your efforts worth while.
An extra special thank you to Luke... you never gave up and encouraged me all the way to the finish line. I know I would never have made it without you on the side lines cheering me on. We will now get to line up in Hawaii together.... shake n bake baby!
I am missing a load of news and photos of all the things that have been happening lately. I will fill in all the blanks soon.
Love Memphis
Heck this is starting to hurt ... A LOT!