After a pretty uneventful flight to Kona (many had mentioned Jetstar's dubious service) we arrived at our little apartment and got straight down to business. This island is so amazing and the weather is just perfect for triathlon. The mandatory coffee from Lava Java down the hatch and it was straight out on the Queen K for a ride over the course. Luke had done this course before in October but I had only been a spectator here. Very exciting!!!! The race came round so quickly and in a blink of the eye it was race morning.
The swim was crystal clear and perfect for me. I was one of the first 3 into transition. We were all with in seconds of each other. Out onto the highway I was out in the front for a whole 3 minutes before the the reining Age Group World Champion blew past me. It was the only time I saw her till presentation that afternoon. Heck that girl is fast. I rode a great time out on the bike with a few overtaking me up the hill only to catch them back up on the way back down. Off the bike in third place and feeling amazing. The run course was kind for the first 4 miles then it kicked my ass. Even after all the run training I had done I was not prepared for the steep, sharp little hills in the run course. I felt like death by the 5th mile and have never ever wanted to pull out so badly. The heat is not that bad, it was just so dam hard for me to get into any kind of rhythm. Slowly but surely I slipped back into 7th place where I finished the race. Not a bad effort in 5.24 but certainly not anywhere near my personal expectations. The funny thing about this incredible sport is the way it just keeps on showing you new ways to improve yourself.
It is back to the training drawing board with 6 weeks till Vineman.
Stay tuned for more updates and adventures.