This is the local road home..... not the best of weather but great training for Canada.

1850 is where we live.... thats a long way up in anyones language.

Up down up down.... the rain keeps falling but for some reason I am still smiling.

This could be the most ridiculous photo of me ever.... I doubt I have ever been quite this cold before. After stuffing our soaking wet clothes with newspaper we descend.

Back in the snuggly warm chalet.... I love central heating!!!! And dry socks.
After leaving the girls behind we have headed down to the french alps. Here we are staying in Pierre and Myriams chalet!!!! Small but has everything two alp bike riders could need. Here we are in our wet weather gear climbing Col de la Madeleine! It is wet and cold but we are happy! The tartin at the top was worth it :)