Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Apartment in Florida!

                                                      This is me all sweaty after our run.

It was the night before!

I have skipped a blog.... the blog of us returning to the mainland and doing a bunch of cool stuff. I will get back to that after the race. 

It is the night before IMF and I am sitting in bed eating Ben and Jerry's ice-cream with Jimmy. This is the last step of pre race preparation. The only thing left now is sleep and race! 

We have been given an awesome home stay apartment right on the gulf of Mexico. It has a great balcony which we watch the sunset every night. I love this race. Last year I crushed my PB and finished in 10.09. This year I have trained my butt off and I am sure the I can better that. 

A late entry by Luke has meant that I won't have the full support crew that I did last year. However he has been put on strict instructions to cheer from the other side of the road. Now most races Luke is all business and does not give me even a smile. This race is for fun and a kind of experiment for him so no excuses for not sending some love and cheer over to me. 

I have had so many people send good wishes and I know that I will think of every one of them tomorrow. I am so blessed as I get to do what I love and I love what I do. No matter what happens tomorrow I will be smiling at the end of the day! 

Run Jimmy Run ( I love you ) then get your butt back out there and cheer me over the line!!!!!

Stay Tuned 

Memphis x 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More of the good stuff!

Our super cool windsurfer friend Phil had us at his amazing hillside home for a few days in Maui. Magic! 
Joe had his little house outside on the farm.

It was cold up the top of the mountain! 
Jimmy rode as Memphis tapered!
It was so darn windy this day but it is all money in the bank for Florida IM.
They were serving cups of HTFU out there!

Some Pix of late!

Joe and I eating the yummiest shaved ice ever. 
A happy girl watching sunset after a MASSIVE day of training!
The ride to Hana was amazing... so was the banana bread!
Ok the ribs we pretty good too .... Heck!

The beach in Hawaii.... awful I know!
Hillary and I looking twelve while sitting under a table ???
A day at the beach in Kona in between sessions.
Me and the coach!

Here are just a few happy snaps taken over the last few weeks in Hawaii. 

Stay tuned more to come!

Memphis x