On the podium.... gotta love a trophy!

Winners are grinners!
Cancun was the race that I should never have been racing but I couldn't pass up. Having only completed IM Canada just 3 weeks before and having Kona in another 3 some may say I had rocks in my head. Making the decision to race was actually easy. I wanted a win! I knew that if I was to have any chance of getting my pro licence back in OZ i had to take home a sub 5 hour half IM and a 1st place. TA are strict. They don't hand them out willy nilly. With out the win I would be struggling to get it.
Cancun was a bit of a nightmare. I had a killer swim. 1st out of the water was a good start. The bike was flat, fast and raining cats and dogs. The rain was horrible. The men drafting behind me was worse. Whatever! I was not going to get a penalty so I dragged 25 or so of them for about 70 kms. Seriously. Out on the run I run like never before. I just kept thinking that the win would not be enough.... I wanted a PB time as well. All went according to plan.
Finally I won one. A big smile for me. Lukey was killer to coming in 3rd in the Pro men's race.
Time to go out and let our hair down. With Kona in 3 weeks we must be pretty good however.